Customer Testimonials

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What clients say about their experience with Allset Energy:


Allset Energy made the complex simple by paving the path for Brighton Mazda to reduce electricity costs and carbon footprint. From the detailed consultation process to the solar installation and post-sales service, Allset Energy has exceeded our expectations on every front. We would highly recommend Allset Energy to other businesses looking to switch to solar based on the quality of service and products they offer.

- Financial Controller, Brighton Mazda

“We highly recommend Allset Energy for your solar installation. From quote to installation, we had competent and efficient guidance with regards to designing the system and making it cost efficient. The installation process was painless, and Thomas and his team were quick to respond to any questions we had or difficulties that arose. Everything was done in a friendly and timely manner and no stone was left unturned until the system worked to perfection.”

- Director, Galnagh Pastoral Company

Allset Energy leveraged its specialist expertise to design, project manage and successfully deliver the first commercial deployment of the NAS® Battery in Australia.

- Business Development Manager, BASF

Allset Energy has actually turned my energy bills into credits, whereby my company now generates an income from the solar panels. They designed a system that maximised both the sun’s energy uptake and the feed-in tariffs. They went over and above to understand how to maximise my benefits and have provided great ongoing customer service giving me comfort in knowing that I have chosen the right provider.

- Managing Director, TS Fasteners Australia

Allset Energy is fantastic to deal with. Highly professional, great guidance all the way, nothing too difficult and always available. The installation went without a hitch and even the inspector was impressed with the quality of the work. Thomas is highly knowledgeable and experienced in the field and that shows. We would not hesitate to do more projects with Allset Energy.

- Owner, Galnagh Pastoral Company

“Allset Energy were incredibly supportive throughout the project and demonstrated a keen willingness to collaborate with partners and provide a high-quality product, delivering Australia’s first NAS® BESS project under strenuous conditions in a highly professional and streamlined manner.”

- Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology

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